Corporate Partners

Who funds our projects?

The Haemophilia Society (THS) is very proud of the range of services which we are able to offer to our members at all stages of their lives.

In order to deliver our events and services, we often work with corporate partners. When we do, we follow strict guidelines which ensure that THS maintains its independence at all times. We decide which projects we want to deliver, based on feedback from members, and then approach companies that we feel are best placed to offer financial support. Often, more than one company will fund a project. The funding company cannot dictate how a project is run or have any input in its content or outcome.

You can find out more about how we are funded here. If you have any questions about how a project is funded, email us at

Listed below are the corporate partners who have contributed to the costs of these projects in 2023/24.


Talking Red – LFB, SOBI

Newly Diagnosed Family Weekend  – Roche/Chugai, SOBI

Youth Ambassadors and Youth Activities – Pfizer, LFB

Haemfest – LFB

The Big Get Together – Pfizer, Takeda


SACRed Project – LFB, Octapharma, Roche/Chugai, Takeda

Haemophilia Journal subscription – Roche/Chugai

Dental Survey – Nordic Pharma

Digital activities

3 Peaks Challenge video -CSL, SOBI


Ageing Booklet – Octapharma

Paediatric Dental Booklet – Nordic Pharma

Conference Attendance


WFH – Roche/Chugai, SOBI

Core Activities