Member story Posts

Guests from Malta inspired by Youth Camp

This year at Youth Camp we were delighted to be joined by a family from…
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Travelling with haemophilia: Josh’s trip to Thailand

Josh Taylor-Rose, our Youth Ambassador and member of the newly-formed Youth Board, has just spent…
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Tegen teaches school friends about haemophilia

We are so impressed by 7-year-old Tegen, from Wiltshire, who gave a talk to her…
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A Life Inhabited

Thanks to advances in the treatments made available in the last few years, developing inhibitors…
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Talented mum raises funds for The Haemophilia Society

My second-born son Bobby was born in May 2019, after a short stay in hospital…
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In memory of Jane Tibbutt

Jane Tibbutt, who died, aged 80, in May 2020, lived with a bleeding disorder and,…
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Our Youth Ambassador Scott has shared his story of how haemophilia impacted his mental wellbeing

It was very difficult as a child to understand why I was being treated differently…
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